For the last 5 weeks, I've been diligently working on my plans, spring cleaning, finishing my new vision board, completing all my goals & timeliness, reviewing my past year and previous years to better equip myself for 2023.
So, for week 2 of my weekly blogs of my year-long challenge 'Passionately Failing Towards Greatness', I want to share 5 of my Tips for preparing for 2023.
Goal setting & Goal Achieving

Goal setting is the act of declaring something that you want to achieve and putting some specific parameters around the end result. It includes the who, what, when, where, and why. Goal achieving is to figure out how to achieve your goal and to gain the required skills and support to obtain it.
There are many ways to set goals and depending on the level you are at depend on how you set your goals. It also comes down to the amount of time you give to setting your goals. Doing it in 20 minutes compared to 10 hours is huge. You are able to create more concrete plans with more time.
Here are some of my steps.
Have a book or a piece of paper and write down all the things you want to do in your life. Write everything down from improving a skill, learning a language, acquiring something, traveling, learning a craft, getting a new job, learning to cook something. Write down 40 things you want to do both big and small. I then look over the list and choose my top priorities. I then focus on the most important goals.
Having done goal setting for over a decade I usually know what I want to do. Now I tend to do this last step as a way to get all the things that interest me or goals out of my head and on to paper.
Write out your goal so you can clearly see it.
Break down your goals into small processes to follow. A lot of people use the S.M.A.R.T acronym:
S: Is your goal Specific? Determine your reason for setting the goal?
M: Is your goal Measurable? How do you measure whether you are progressing or on track?
A: Is your goal Achievable? Is your goal possible?
R: Is your goal Realistic? Can you reach your goal?
T: Does your goal have a Time Frame or is it Time bound? When should you achieve this goal? What is the date?
Create a picture of your goal in your head.
Put your intention into achieving the goal
How I do my goals are:
I write them all done
I prioritize them in order
I put a clear plan down covering the S.M.A.R.T acronym
I write down a commitment statement for each goal which I repeat daily. I check in with my goals and this year have started to calendar my check ins. I am currently working on the Maia Dreams 30 Day challenge Self Growth Journal. This allows me to check in morning and night.
I have created a timeline to track each goal.
I have hung my 5 top priorities on my wall right next to my vision board and remember to read it every day.
The biggest tip I have learnt about achieving goals is the more you can consistently check in and monitor the progress of your goals the higher the chances are of achieving it. Set your intention and commit to it.
Vision Board & Envisioning

A vision board or dream board is where all the images or text help you spark an emotion, feeling or motivation to achieve a goal or succeed in business. Vision boards usually hang on a walk in your house where you can see it every day. It is like I said above that the more you look at or are reminded of what your goals are the more you are likely to achieve them.
How I do my vision boards:
I think about all the areas of my life from Spiritual, Relationships, Business, Financial etc. I had already worked on my goals, so it is easier to identify what I want to achieve. I find photos, images, texts that represent certain goals and I upload them to Canva. If there is something I am wanting to change I create the image on Canva.
Once I have created all my templates. This year I had 44 pages. I printed them off and bought black cardboard. I then set out how I want it all on my board and then glued them on. I usually like my vision boards bright and colourful so I buy stickers and craft stuff from the $2 shop to make it look pretty. Once I have finished, I pin it to my wall in my bedroom over my bed.
Every morning and night and every time I go into my room I ponder and visualize my goals. I take time to envision my life as if I have already achieved my goals. I make sure to be in a positive state when looking at my vision board. Sometimes I also have commitment statements that I repeat as many times as I can.
When I have completed a goal, I used to take off the goal. This year I am going to put a big star on that area to signify I have completed it. This can become my achievement and goals vision board. Serving to remind me what goals I have achieved
Daily Routines & Discipline

The skills, experiences, choices and thinking that we've done propelled us to where we are today. To get to the next level, we have to do different things. Try different things, upskill ourselves, go outside our comfort zone and dream bigger. So, I wanted my 90 Day challenge called ‘Taking Relentless Consistent Action’ to be all about testing my limits and pushing myself to stay committed. One of my daily routines has been to get up at 5:30am and do my reading, prayers, scriptures and work. Having completed this while the rest of the world is still asleep is a great feeling. Being ready before the world wakes up has me one step closer to a more successful day. In order for me to get to the next level, I identified my daily routines and reviewed what worked and what did not work for me. I then looked at some of the top daily routines of successful people and added these into my own. So I decided to use my 90 Day challenge to fully commit to creating strong daily routines to see how much it changes and improves my life. I want to learn discipline through my daily routines. The source of discipline is receiving instruction or guidance from one or many sources, but the source of discipline is not external. It is internal. Discipline is not obedience to someone else’s standards to avoid punishment. It is learning and applying intentional standards to achieve meaningful objectives. Discipline is a choice; it is our choice. It is a decision.
Reflection & Reviewing your Life

In order for me to know where I am going, I need to know where I came from. In order for me to improve my journey thus far, I need to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work. Working on my goals, vision board, and daily routines have made it very clear what I need to work on and identify what some of the new strategies and skills are that I need to take me to the next level.
What have been my steps:
I wrote this all in google docs
Identifying what worked and what didn’t work and why?
What did I enjoy last year and what didn’t I enjoy?
What were the lessons I learnt?
What do I need to do differently to help me get to the next level?
I have been lucky to have journals, blogs, and a public page to document my journey. This has given me a clear insight into the mechanisms of my life and be able to have an honest insight, report and life inventory of my journey. This has allowed me to map out my life, career and business so that I set myself up for success. It has allowed me to look at the things holding me back, where my mindset is and what I can do in a practical way to go to the next level in life.
Decluttering & Spring cleaning

This has been a lot of work and I have been doing it over the last 4 weeks. It feels so light and clear when we are able to dispose of things that are not necessary in our lives. My nan mum’s favourite quote was ‘A clean house is a clean mind’. I totally agree that when your house feels decluttered and clean it makes you feel happier. Before the year really rolls in it’s a great time to start cleaning to start the year lighter, fresher and most importantly knowing where everything is.
What I steps I took:
Looked at all areas of my life and started working on decluttering and getting rid of anything that wasn’t needed.
I like to make sure that everything is where I can find it. I am 75% of the way through.
I did outside my house, shed, gardens, front and back yard
Inside my house in every room and in every cupboard. I still have a week to go but it feels amazing.
Cleaned out my car still have the outside
Started going through my documents in my computer
Documents in my business
Pondering the people, I have in my life and looking at anyone who should not be there.
Other tips are doing room by room. I do that however I tend to sometimes enjoy it if I am heading into another room doing a little cleaning in that room before moving back to the main room of my focus.
The best part of spring cleaning and decluttering is knowing where everything is and being able to access it easily.
Working on these 5 areas has been really big work to prepare for 2023. The best part is that I feel even more ready to take on the world. I am 65% through it all but it has made my life a little easier, fresher, clearer and I feel even more ready for the adventure ahead.
Wishing you all an amazing 2023