This past week has definitely put me right in the middle of a huge trial and obstacle. It has been one of the first times in a very long while that I have contemplated giving up on things I am doing. This Blog, my business Maia Dreams, Kristyl the DRAMA Queen page, my acting career, the programmes I deliver, my university studies and on God. It is hard sometimes when you are trying your hardest but nothing seems to be happening. When you are struggling for well over a decade on programmes and projects but the struggle doesn’t seem to ease. Decades later and you are still lacking the right funding and much needed support. When nothing you are really wanting in your life is coming to fruition. When people say they will support you but when it comes down to it there‘s barely anyone around when you need them. It’s made harder when you see people who are doing horrible things to people and are creating hate and negativity out in the world but they are succeeding. When there are people doing crime and hurting people yet they are doing well. Yet, here I am trying my hardest and working so hard and I barely feel like I am moving. It leaves me wondering if there is any point in continuing? This has been my struggle this week especially with everything going on in my life from sickness, business on hold, funding limited, housing issues and feeling absolutely alone. I question that if I sto, would anyone even care or notice? I question that if I keep going, will I ever get to where I am headed? This week was definitely a struggle which left me unsure and frustrated.
I know that the road to our destination is not a straight one; it has many twists and turns. So I thought the best I could do for this week's Blog is reflect on a few things that have helped me in the past.
1. We cannot do the same things over and over and expect different or better results. We have to know where we are going and then GO, DO and take ACTION. A thought in our minds can only stay exactly that - a thought. We have to write it down and then make a PLAN. The more I've taken ACTION, the more opportunities and lessons I've learnt. Action is the only way things can be achieved. Having a specific PLAN of Action helps me to know what to do and how to get there.
2. Failing is a part of the process and journey. I've become quicker and smarter at reflecting and evaluating why some things didn't work in my life. Things such as the environment, dynamic of the group, timing, there's more to learn, they didn't want to change yet, the need for balance. In the past, I used to think it was because I wasn't goo or capable enough. Now, I know it's a part and parcel of the process. I have come to realize that I am allowed to fail and things don’t have to be perfect. Majority of the time, it is not because I am incapable. There are so many factors that are outside of my control. I have accepted this.
3. NEVER listen to people who tell me I am not good or smart enough to do the things I want to do. Just because someone doesn't believe in me makes absolutely no difference as I work towards my goal. Other people's opinions don't dictate my path. The more I keep working on my goal, the better I become. If I had listened to naysayers like I used to, I wouldn't be where I am today. It is best to take one step at a time. If I look at the big picture of my to-do list I will get overwhelmed and scared.
4. If I want something in my life or if I want to improve my circumstances, it is my responsibility to get it, find it, learn about it, ask for help, purchase it, change it, plan it, work on it, etc. I can't bemoan my situation and do nothing. I used to do this a lot in the past but I'm learning to just keep moving no matter how small the action or step is. This is definitely something I am trying to do to get me out of my current funk.
5. It takes a lot of work to achieve success in life. There are no easy fixes, no quick rich schemes, no pill to take to be slim overnight. It may be easier to do nothing and not aspire for more but that is not the life I want to live. Although I get overwhelmed by my to do list at times, I'm up late at night until the wee hours in the morning working, still figuring it all out and learning. However, I'm willing to do it for the outcome I've envisioned.
6. Giving up means that I will never achieve my goals because I threw in the towel when it got difficult. Although I feel as if no one benefits from what I'm doing, I have to believe that it somehow doe, even if it is only one person. I have to believe that as I continue on my path , the right things will happen at the right time as long as I persevere.
I have experienced so much in my life and have learned a lot lessons. I know I have enough skills and tools that can equip me to achieving my goals. I think the biggest lesson I have learned, is that taking action on my goals has allowed me to learn and fail, both of which taught me valuable lessons. Despite this week being a huge challenge for me, I know that I can’t give up. All I know is that in order to continue to ‘Passionately Fail Towards Success’, I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Even if I don’t get to my goals by the end of this year or in many years to come I will be closer to it then than I am today - because I will never give up.
Photography Credit: Charlotte Anderson is my joy of life to find, at every turning of the road,
the strong arm of a comrade to help me with my load,
and since I have no gold to give, and love alone must make ammends
it is my prayer that while I live
God make me worthy of my friends.......
Choose good friends who will pull you up during your "down days".....we all have those sorts of "days"- we really only have a couple of really genuine friends - look to them for your strength as you continue your journey....Arohanui. xx