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My first Blog: Passionately Failing Towards Success!

Writer's picture: Kristyl NehoKristyl Neho

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

I have never written a blog in my life. That’s right! This is my very first attempt and it may not be a very good one. Nevertheless, here I am giving it a go and you know what? Why not? It’s actually something I have wanted to do for many years, but I never tried so nothing happened. Finally, at 39 years old, I am leaping left, right and centre in all areas of my life, plunging into all those things I have wanted to do for decades. Why didn't I try earlier and why did it take me so long? It's because I was too scared. Too scared of being judged by others, failing, being publicly bad at something and fearful of harsh judgement from others. I also realised there would be huge amounts of work involved. But after 4 years into my journey, I stopped worrying about all those little things. I'm finally willing to put in the work and so I am doing it, doing me and living my life as big as I can! So please be aware that this blog may not be in its best format, it may not have the best choice of words, it may have spelling errors and won't be perfect. But I’d rather do it and put it out there, than just have a desire in my head for another year unfulfilled. So, here it is - my first ever blog.

What is my blog about? Well that’s easy, it’s about my absolute obsession, hunger and thirst to succeed. As far as I can remember, I have always dreamt of having this “bigger than me” kind of life. Being able to impact people in a positive way. Whether that was through entertaining (I’m a trained Actor), inspiring others and serving people with the skills and knowledge I have. Even if it meant having people go ‘I could do so much better than her’. If it gets someone thinking about doing better than me then, that's great! Especially because I work really hard to be good at what I do and I always try to be my best.

This constant yearning in my soul for more is always burning in me. Making me feel listless at times if not acted upon. It drives me with a vengeance to constantly be better than I was yesterday. I wish I could say it’s an easy road to achieving all those things but you know what? It isn’t. Wanting more, being more, doing more and dreaming big is mammoth work. Putting that in a practical, clear action plan is also hard work and that’s before anything even happens. I can tell you what is easier. Doing nothing, never trying, blaming others, blaming your circumstances for the life you are living. That's easier because that requires less effort, takes less time, less energy, you can avoid failure and never take responsibility. The fruits of those labours are lost potential, dreams unlived and a life unfulfilled. I do not want to spend my days on earth living in regret thinking about what could have been or who I could have become. So although I find it a struggle to succeed at times, the payoff is worth it.

Let’s take a bit of a detour so I can tell you a little story about my earlier years. In 1998, my mum gave me and my older brother the Tony Robbins personal power tapes she had dubbed for us to listen to. I remember thinking, "Wow, this guy is enthusiastic and loud!". Then, I kept listening. My young impressionable mind absorbed as much information as I could. It was the first time I had heard someone talk about making our dreams a reality and the steps needed to get there. I had always dreamt of being more and I wanted better in my life. The problem was, I didn't know how to get there. So, I went through the tapes and I guess it introduced me to Personal Development. This got me really hooked and I became obsessed with learning about myself and why I did the things I did. So, from fifteen and a half to about eighteen and a half years old, I would go to the two public libraries in my hometown. I would read through all the Self Help/Personal Development and Psychology sections and read all the books on their shelves. I then had to start rotating between the two libraries because by then someone had returned a book or they would have a new book in. So that became a huge part of my life for about 3 years.

I read books about Auras and started seeing auras at 17 years old. Most adults did not care to know that I could see specific colours radiating from them and so I kept that to myself. I read about introverts and extroverts and discovered that I was an extrovert. I learned about the inner chatterbox, internal dialogue, neural pathways, programming, the subconscious and conscious mind and about the different parts of the brain. I read a Lisa Hays book about Mirror work that helped me know with a 100% certainty that I was beautiful. I have felt that way since I was 21 years old no matter what size I have been, how I was dressed or what people thought of me. I became aware of the 7 personality types, the 4 temperaments which are sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. I learned how to read body language, energy and basically everything I could find to help me learn about myself. I learned so much about who I was, which in turn, helped me understand other people better. Then free online audio came out and I would listen to hours of talks a day. I then worked as much as I could on trying to implement all that knowledge into my life.

So I have spent decades of my life obsessively learning about the human mind. From mindfulness, vision boards, goal achieving, habits, self worth, grounding, affirmations, manifestation, journaling, self worth, self esteem, programming, creating habits and so much more. Yet it wasn’t until 2018 that I finally realised that it took more than just listening, reading & learning. I had to start taking action and consistently creating momentum. I then took consistent actions towards my dreams even if I didn’t know what I was doing or why. Since then, I have been on this very exciting, fun, scary, confusing and new journey of self growth. It has allowed me to take ownership of my life. I am finally starting to see many of the things I had been dreaming about for so long coming into fruition. The key was to take action and keep taking action. Just like me taking action by doing this blog, setting up my platform website, start writing, editing and then posting this blog. No momentum could be created until I put into action all of the writing, dreaming, visualising and planning I had been doing for the last few decades. Things like running & facilitating workshops, getting healthy, starting a business, then growing my business, doing creative projects, public speaking, doing photoshoots, writing songs, learning to beatbox, writing and performing my own raps, creating children's shows, children’s books, creating & performing my own solo shows, creating content that inspires people and the list goes on.

And here I am on Tuesday, the 4th of January 2022 still feeling a little confused about how to really succeed. I feel like I really try my best and yet I still feel as if I am not moving forward. Then, I have to take a step back so I can take another look to see that I am making progress, after all. I then reflect on where I was and where I am now. All areas of life have completely transformed from where I was 4 years ago and I know that I could not have done what I am doing back then. So, although the process feels slow, every project and opportunity I have has helped me in skills and experiences to take into the next project. These years of experience have helped me grow.

2021 was the best year of my life thus far. This was the year when everything I had been working on for the last decade finally started to become reality. The momentum is now on a fast forward trajectory & I can feel and know that my life is about to take flight. I know that I have to stay in the moment, stay on course, stay focused, take action, be consistent, be kind to myself, be braver & be prayerful.

And I have been pondering on what I have learnt throughout my life, especially the last 4 years, to help me expand & grow even further in 2022. What do I need to do this coming year to take my life to the next level? To a level where I feel I have actually begun to live up to my potential and exceed my own expectations. So here are a few of the many things I will be doing or working on over this next year:

1. Complete a clear action plan, my vision board, goals and monitor my progress consistently throughout the year with my accountability partners.

2. Take time out weekly for self care to reset, refocus, ground, meditate, pray & ponder.

3. Be prepared & organised so I can stay on track to achieve all my goals at the highest level.

4. Schedule my time for career, work, family, friends, dating, church etc.

5. Find the right team to support me in business and projects.

6. Complete one task at a time and not multi-task.

7. Be kinder to myself and those around me.

8. Allow God to prevail in my life, be more patient and increase my faith in his timing.

9. Spend quality time with my daughter and help her work on her goals and desires.

10. Eliminate toxic people & energy from my life.

11. Produce & do music videos for 3 to 4 of my songs.

12. Create & perform my new solo show.

13. Spend less time online.

14. Transform my body.

15. Grow my Maia Dreams business.

16. Create my own video content.

17. Launch a number of resources & online programs.

18. Create & devise a few children's shows.

19. Pass courses for my Psychology degree

20. Launch my biography & the Confident Mini Me Journal

On Friday, the 7th of January 2022, I will be starting my Year Long Challenge 'Passionately Failing Towards Success'. On this same day 4 years ago, I gave up on substances, went back to church & started working relentlessly on my dreams. So it makes sense to start this new challenge on the same day. I am excited about what 2022 has in store for me and I hope to inspire anyone along the way to begin their own journey. Happy New Year x

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Sierra Howard
Sierra Howard

Kia ora. I attended your opening show of Tangihanga here in Whangārei. It was amazing! You made it look so effortless, the transition between characters, and it also showed me the importance the affects that lighting and sound actually has! Your show definitely made me appreciate the world of theatre and the world of acting! Thank you for showing that. The content of your show was so relatable which is why it was so funny! My husband and I were in the audience naming the characters ourselves because those characters actually exist in our whānau!! I personally loved it. When I returned home that night, I (low key stalked, possibly lol, we all do it!) followed most of your social platforms,…

Kristyl Neho
Kristyl Neho

Kia ora Sierra,

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe mō ōu kupu ataahua. Thank you so much for attending the show and for your incredible feedback! It really means a lot to hear that Tangihanga resonated with you and your whānau. The characters are so reflective of our own whānau dynamics, and I love that you and your husband could relate to them in such a personal way—it makes the performance all the more special to me.

And thank you for following my journey—it’s humbling to know that my blog has resonated with you too. Life has been full of twists and turns, but sharing it feels like a way to connect and inspire others, just as you've described.




What an inspiring read thank you. Wishing you huge success and will be watching you.



Both Aunty Harata and myself (Uncle Royce) have read your blog here. We are thrilled for you - for your direction and for your desire to succeed in your life. We both wish you all the best as you continue your journey......we all have a journey of our own - and look forward to what you will share with us all in the coming future. Blessings to you and your daughter. Love from your aunty and uncle. xxxx

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