For my 65th blog, I thought it was only fitting to dedicate this whole post to the young people who have inspired me to do my soul mahi - The Youth.
Working with children has been such a rewarding experience for so many reasons and I can’t imagine doing anything else. To date, I have met thousands of tamariki and rangatahi and standing in front of these fresh, hopeful faces never ever gets old.
And here are just a few of the reasons why I am very privileged to work with children:
It never ceases to amaze me how children can be so resilient. Perhaps, it's how God has made them to compensate for their small stature, a built-in defense mechanism that protects them from the harsh life they are bound to encounter at some point. I see them fall and bruise their knees and they cry their heart out; only to get back up on their feet and run at full speed all over again. Isn't that remarkable? Seeing this trait on a daily basis helps me in ways I can't even begin to tell you. So, every time I'm struggling or faced with difficulties, I sometimes draw strength from knowing that I still have my inner child within me - someone who's stronger than any adversity life can throw my way.
When you're working with children, patience is a must. And your patience has to reflect not only with your words but with your thoughts and actions, as well. The boundless energy you have to deal with and the occasional rambunctious nature of children, at some point, will test your mettle. Being a mother, a sister, a daughter, a facilitator and business woman among others, has taught me the merits of patience. Most of all, being around children made a huge impact on me in terms of learning this trait and I can safely say the youth was a huge factor into shaping my overall temperament. I also made a crucial realization that if you can cultivate patience for children, you can whether almost anything life throws at you.
Working with countless children is a joy simply because they represent that part of humanity that still manage to keep my faith in mankind. They are simple, unadulterated, curious, joyful, energetic, and unencumbered with malice. Being surrounded with their laughter and boundless energy makes me feel alive. And happy. And grateful to have this incredible opportunity to shape their future.
One of the reasons why I feel privileged working with young people is the fact that it makes me feel needed, relevant, and someone who has a purpose. With children armed with only their pristine view of the world, I feel that it is my responsibility as a facilitator to make sure that they will grow up fully equipped with the necessary tools and practical life skills. Their vulnerability is their greatest flaw which calls to my protective instincts, especially in this day and age where our youth are plagued with so many challenges. Thus, my soul mahi came to fruition and I am making it my lifelong purpose to serve as one of their guiding lights towards a bright future for them.
With children, hope springs eternal. Working with them makes me feel like I'm tending to a beautiful garden in spring. Everything is just beginning to grow, take shape, and come to life. It is with great pleasure that I see numerous tamariki and rangatahi come to Confident Me Program - some were painfully shy, won't talk much or at all, very hesitant to make friends, and just keeping to themselves. But over time and after nurturing them with enough encouragement, helpful activities and consistent work on their confidence, they bloom. Slowly. But beautifully. And this is one of those many reasons why we keep doing what we do with Maia Dreams . Children are the epitome of hope and I consider myself very fortunate to be surrounded with hope every day.
There is something so pure about holding the hand of a child. When they look up at you with those wide, innocent eyes, you feel both soft and empowered. The tiny hand you hold represents a fragile creature whose existence is just beginning to take shape. I remember how it feels like to have an exquisite daughter cradled in my arms and the joy it continues to bring me, even to this day, is priceless. As she got older, I marvel at how tall and how much more eloquent she has become. But my daughter still has that remarkable purity about her which I hope never goes away. Seeing things through her eyes, seeing life through her perspective and going through my day-to-day life with her made me appreciate even the simplest of things - a pack of peanut butter cups, the gentle breeze on a balmy day, a soft bed to sleep in, seeing my daughter's rosy cheeks. I know each parent would claim the same and it is my fervent hope that someday, children can look back to their childhood with fondness and keep their innocence close to their hearts.
“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” – Jess Lair
