Nobody knows you better than you. Nobody knows your goals, your dreams, or what feels right for you better than you do. When it comes to making decisions, they have to come from knowing yourself inside out. When you’re clear on who you are and what you want, you’re already a step ahead in navigating this crazy world. But let’s be honest, it can be scary, especially when you’re still figuring things out.
Most of the goals and dreams I’ve had, and still have, have been judged more than supported. Starting businesses, directing, writing, producing my own productions, losing weight, traveling the world, and singing are things I’ve dreamed about and worked toward, but encouragement hasn’t always come easily. It’s tough to keep going when people don’t see your vision or believe in what you’re trying to achieve.
Here’s what I’ve learned. Waiting for others to validate your dreams or for opportunities to just show up doesn’t work. If I didn’t take charge of my own initiatives, I’d still be waiting. For the initiatives I’m not driving, I’m still waiting. That’s why I’ve had to dig deeper and get clear on what I need to do to move forward and reach the next level. Along the way, I hope to find people who believe in and support what I’m working toward.
It’s been lonely most of the time. A lot of what I’ve accomplished big or small has happened because I got up and made it happen, even when I felt like the only one in my corner. Still, I’ve managed to achieve incredible things along the way. Some wins have been small steps forward, and others have been massive milestones, but they all mattered because they were mine.
There are moments when I’ve shared my stress, frustration, anxiety, and overwhelm. But I also make sure to share the moments where I’m proud of myself. I have to be my biggest advocate and cheerleader because if I’m not, the weight of the world could crush me.
When you achieve something big or small, you’ve got to celebrate it. Celebrate it boldly. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you it’s okay to be proud. You’ve put in the effort, so own it.
Not everyone will understand or support your dreams, and that’s fine. Their doubt isn’t your problem. Let it drive you. Use it to fuel your determination to keep pushing forward toward what truly matters.
Critics and judgment will always exist. That’s just part of life. But when you’re grounded in truth and living by values that mean something to you, nothing can knock you off track.
This is your life and your journey. Be proud of it. Celebrate your wins, big or small, and keep moving forward. The only person who truly needs to believe in you is you.