I am writing this Blog on a Friday, 7th of January 2022 which is the first day of my new 1 year challenge: ‘Patiently Failing Towards Success’.
This challenge is about me becoming the woman God destined me to be. I have done 2 challenges previously that I documented and although I am a little embarrassed by them, I have added links to both challenges at the bottom of this Blog. My first challenge was in September 2019 called my ‘Year Long Transformation Challenge that I did via YouTube. It was very raw, unedited with no lighting etc. I managed to do around 140 vlogs & made it to day 209. I didn’t finish the full year but I am still happy I committed to the amount of days that I did. I really wanted to test myself to see how far I could grow in a year. I didn’t see a lot of obvious changes at the end of the challenge but reflecting on those vlogs now from over 2 years ago, I can definitely see how far I have come. As Tony Robbins said, "We overestimate what can be done in 1 year & underestimate what can be done in 10 years". My 2nd challenge was in June 2020 and was done on my Kristyl the DRAMA Queen Facebook page. It was called ‘My 100 Day Challenge to take relentless action & be consistent’. I actually completed over 100 lives in 100 Days but it was definitely not easy. Many times I wanted to stop doing them but I never gave up and it taught me the importance of being consistent and staying committed to my goal.
With this current challenge, I have a little bit more experience and will be doing my best to grow and learn even more. I am also documenting my challenge via my weekly Blogs, vlogs on YouTube, on my Kristyl the DRAMA Queen Facebook page & via my Podcast, which I have yet to set up. I know that documenting this challenge will keep me accountable, help me to stay on track and leave a record and legacy for my daughter. I will also be able to reflect back in years to come like I do with past challenges and see my progress. Hopefully along the way, it may help someone on their journey.
What is a challenge? The dictionary definition is ‘something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person's ability. I want to test my mental and physical ability to stay the course and push through any discomfort or fear. To be conscious and present with the thoughts I have and not allow them to contradict my goals. To test my limitations, move through my fears, ignore judgement of others and see how far I can grow and achieve in a year. In 2021, I succeeded so much in most areas of my life and I know I worked hard. I know that this has set me up for an even more successful year. In my last blog, I asked what do I need to do this coming year to take my life to the next level? To a level where I feel I have actually begun to live up to my potential and exceed my own expectations. So everyday, one of my small goals is to overcome anything that holds me back, limits me or hinders me from progressing and achieving my goals.
On Monday, the 10th January, it was both a good and slightly challenging day. I recently had one of my bestfriends pass away on Christmas day of 2021. So it has been really hard and I miss her so much. I met with a few people to arrange an upcoming event about her life and some other projects that we need to complete for her, so it was emotional. I then had to deal with another situation that has caused me a lot of unnecessary drama in my life. I had a lot of business obligations and career projects that I needed to work on and this left me feeling scared and overwhelmed by it all. So that day I realized in order for me to commit to my challenge, there were a few things I had to do.
1. I need to work through some of the grief I feel from losing my friend, and remind myself it will take time and take it easy.
2. I will no longer allow myself to spend another moment of my life taking on other people's negativity & drama. As people have been saying a lot lately ‘What people think of me is none of my business’.
3. Do a little bit of work at a time. It's not a race and if it is too overwhelming then give tasks to someone else or let it sit for awhile wait and then go back to it.
4. Do a spring clean of my life, my head and my home. My grandmother who raised me always said ‘A clean house is a clean mind’ and I have lived by that mantra for decades. So I felt like I had worked through releasing a lot of unnecessary energy and allowed space to feel my emotions.
Today is Tuesday, 11th of January 2022 and I went to sleep still feeling overwhelmed about my workload and responsibilities. So this morning I decided to fast & pray for clarity. I read my scriptures which offered me answers to questions I had. I hung out with a good friend for lunch, spring cleaned a quarter of my house, worked on some of my work obligations, hired a Virtual Assistant, walked and skated with my daughter for exercise, ate well and now I am finishing off this Blog. So today, I feel like I have succeeded because I have been able to achieve so many small goals. It is all the smaller goals done consistently over time that create the biggest changes in our lives.
So this one year challenge is all about spending everyday working through anything that holds me back. Learning how to be more conscious of my thoughts and decisions. Not allowing people with toxic energy or drama enter my space. Talk myself through anything overwhelming and view my situation for what it is. Reach out to people if I need to talk, work on the small things, be kind to myself, say kind things about myself, have faith in God, do the things I know I should do everyday, spend quality time with my daughter and check in with my friends and family. 5 days into my challenge and I am on track. Again, it is all about the small things we do consistently that build the biggest changes.
YouTube Challenge Link: ://youtu.be/VnsjAkoB0a4
Facebook Challenge Link: https://fb.watch/asZ1Jplcmw/

Thank you very sharing your thoughts. Very inspiring